Predimed-Plus clinical trial
Predimed-Plus is a multicenter, randomized, primary prevention field trial of cardiovascular disease in community-dwelling men (aged 55 to 75 years) and women (aged 60 to 75 years), with a BMI ≥ 27 to <40 kg/m2 and metabolic syndrome.
Participants will be randomized into two groups
Control group: consisting of a similar intervention to that carried out in the study Predimed-1, with a Mediterranean diet supplemented with extra virgin olive oil and nuts, without calorie restriction or physical activity program or weight-loss goals.
Intervention group: consisting on an intensive intervention based on hypocaloric Mediterranean diet (30% calorie restriction) supplemented with extra virgin olive oil and nuts, and an intensive lifestyle program with physical activity (walking 45 minutes/day or equivalent) and weight-loss goals including behavioral support.
6,874 participants were recruited in 23 centers and hospitals, with the support of other 7 groups.
“PREDIMED-Plus Vídeo”
“New PREDIMED-Plus Vídeo”

Final results expected to be available in 2020
The primary end-point is a combination of major cardiovascular events (myocardial infarction, stroke, or death from cardiovascular causes).
The total sample size was 6,874 participants. Recruitment of participants began in September 2013 and ended in Dicember 2016. Final results are expected to be available from 2020 onwards.
With the Predimed-1 study, a reduction of 30% was demonstrated in the risk of heart attack, stroke or cardiovascular disease mortality. Now, focusing on the promotion of physical activity and weight-loss goals, this risk is expected to dicrease even more.
Predimed-Plus Study Data and Collaboration
We welcome proposals for collaborative research by bona fide researchers.
The Predimed-Plus collection of data and biological samples constitutes an outstanding resource for biomedical research on diet, obesity, weight-loss, cardiovascular and related chronic diseases The Predimed-plus trial is publicly-funded, and its rich data collections represent several years of work by participants, funders and researchers. This means that as well as using the data ourselves, we are open to work with researchers within the scope of our study protocol to maximise its potential. In doing so, protecting confidentiality is our highest priority, and we aim always to maintain the reputation of the study, its funders and participants. The data and biological samples can be available for investigators who seek to answer important questions on health and disease in the context of research projects that are consistent with the legal and ethical standard practices of the Predimed Plus Study and the Predimed Plus recruitment Centres. Further details on procedures and principles for accessing Predimed Plus resources are available below.
Information resources:
– Trial information:
Data for 6,874 participants, including individual information on important risk factors and health. These data are derived from the PREDIMED-Plus trial, a 6-year parallel-group, multicenter, randomized clinical trial, involving participants from 23 Spanish recruiting centers. The main objective of the PREDIMED-PLUS trial is to evaluate the effect of an intensive weight loss intervention based on an energy-restricted traditional Mediterranean diet (MedDiet), physical activity promotion and behavioral support (intervention group, IG) on cardiovascular disease (CVD), as compared to a usual care intervention consisted only on energy-unrestricted MedDiet recommendations (control group, CG). The primary endpoints of the trial are a composite of CVD events (CVD death, nonfatal myocardial infarction, and nonfatal stroke), and long-term weight loss maintenance. Other secondary outcomes comprise: acute coronary syndromes with or without coronary revascularization, heart failure, atrial fibrillation, peripheral artery disease, venous thrombosis, type-2 diabetes mellitus and its complications, overall incidence of cancer, specific cancers in main cancer sites (breast, colorectal, prostate, lung and stomach), osteoporotic fractures, gallstone disease, symptomatic gout, neurodegenerative disorders (dementia and Parkinson’s disease), unipolar depression and eating behavior disorders. We will also address the effect of the intervention on the following intermediate outcomes: nutrient intake and overall dietary pattern, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, serum lipid concentrations, fasting glucose, glycated hemoglobin and uric acid, kidney function, liver function, C-reactive protein, anti-hypertensive, anti-diabetic and lipid-lowering medication needs, ECG traits, cognitive function, quality of life, and psychopathological scales. Recruitment began in September 2013 and ended in December 2016. The intervention will last at least 6 years and the median follow-up time for the clinical endpoints is expected to be 8 years. The protocol with a more detailed description of the PREDIMED-Plus trial is available at This study was registered at the International Standard Randomized Controlled Trial (ISRCT; with number 89898870.
– Baseline and yearly available data:
- Information on medical history, family history and use of medication.
- Anthropometric measurements. Weight, height and waist circumference.
- Food frequency questionnaire.
- Adherence to the Mediterranean diet with a 17-item questionnaire.
- Physical activity measurements (Minnesota leisure time physical activity questionnaire, PAR-Q (Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire), the RAPA (RAPA1 and RAPA2) (Rapid Assessment of Physical Activity), and the NHS (Nurses’ Health Study) sedentary lifestyle questionnaire. Accelerometry in a subset of participants.
- Blood pressure and electrocardiogram.
- Six cognitive neuropsychological tests (every 2 years): 1) MMSE; 2) Semantic verbal fluency test: “animals in 1 minute”; 3) Phonemic verbal fluency test: “words in 1 minute starting with the letter ‘p’; 4) Verbal and visual working memory: reverse digits test (WAIS-III); 5) Trail Making Test; 6) Clock test (Clock drawing test or CDT).
- The SF-36 (36-item) quality of life questionnaire (baseline and years 1, 3, 5 and 7).
- Three Psychopathological questionnaires: 1) Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-II); 2) Multidimensional scale of weight locus control; 3) Screening for comorbid eating disorders with diagnostic criteria (DSM-IV-TR; APA, 2000).
– Available samples at baseline, 1, 3, 5 and 7 of follow-up: Plasma, serum, morning spot urine, DNA, nails and some measured conventional biochemical parameters and biomarkers.
Consent and confidentiality:
Information is received in confidence, and we have promised study participants that their information and biological samples will be treated with absolute confidentiality and will be used only for medical research. Details of our study consent forms can be viewed here.
Our data sharing model:
Data collaboration for PREDIMED-Plus study is guided by the Data Sharing and Management guide. We follow a controlled data collaboration model, using anonymised (de-identified) study data only, for collaborating with approved researchers.
Requests are considered by the PREDIMED-Plus Steering Committee composed by Salas-Salvadó J (Chair), Martínez-González MA, Fitó M. Ros E, Tinahones F, Corella D and Estruch R ( Decisions on data access are based on the scientific legitimacy of the requester and of their institution, and on assurances on information security and governance; and with regard to the study’s scientific reputation, the needs of funded study team research, the terms of participant consent, and regulatory requirements. All research using PREDIMED-Plus must be within the scope of the ethically approved PREDIMED-Plus Protocol. Studies where data and/or biological samples are requested are subject to ethics approval by the institutional review boards of the corresponding Predimed Plus recruitment centers.
Applying to conduct collaborative research on the data:
Requests for collaborations using PREDIMED-PLUS data should be made by email to the Steering Committee (, using the following the PREDIMED-PLUS Preliminary Enquiry Forms:
– Appendix 1: Commitment document for principal Investigators (PIs) from recruiting nodes for the PREDIMED PLUS study for access to the general project data file.
– Appendix 2: Commitment document for PIs from the PREDIMED PLUS study for access to the other data files from the PREDIMED study
– Appendix 3: Request form for collaboration of external researchers with the PREDIMED PLUS study to gain access to data generated during the PREDIMED PLUS study.
– Appendix 4: Guide for External Researchers Requesting Data Sharing Collaboration with the PREDIMED PLUS Study.
– Appendix 5: Request form for collaboration of external researchers with the PREDIMED PLUS study to gain access to samples generated during the PREDIMED PLUS study.
– Appendix 6: Guide for External Researchers Requesting Sample Sharing Collaboration with the PREDIMED PLUS Study.
– Appendix 7: Request form for collaboration of external researchers with the PREDIMED PLUS study to gain access to data and samples generated during the PREDIMED PLUS study.
– Appendix 8: Guide for External Researchers Requesting Data and Sample Sharing Collaboration with the PREDIMED PLUS Study.
– Appendix 9: Formal collaboration agreement between an external researcher requesting the use of samples and/or data and researchers from the PREDIMED PLUS study.
– Appendix 10: Cost guidelines for collaborations established with external researchers requesting data and samples.